Raising babies is tiring and it can be easy to forget to look after YOU. A night off once a week to get stronger, leaner and to have fun with other women is the perfect antidote.
[Link http://www.mum-dance.co.uk Mum-Dance], the 1980's Dance Class for Mum Bodies has sell-out classes across the UK and is coming to Birmingham mums in Solihull, Moseley and Halesowen!
Mum-Dance is designed for mum bodies, no matter how long ago you had your baby!
Get noticeable results on your separated abdominal and pelvic floor function, and improve your overall muscle tone with a clever combination of moving pilates, ballet and dancing along to all of your favourite 1980's songs. You'll do iconic Mum-Dance routines like Flashdance, Gloria, Club Tropicana and Salt-N-Pepa.
"They had me at Salt n Pepper! It's like a healthy night out with the girls. The routines are simple, which is good me because I have no coordination!" - Jenny
Solihull: From Wednesday 13th June to Wednesday 18th July 2018, 7.30 - 8.30pm at Light Hall School, Hathaway Road, Shirleym, Solihull, B90 2PZ.
Moseley: From Thursday 14th June to Thursday 19th July 2018, 7.30 - 8.30pm at St Anne's Church Hall, Park Hill, Moseley, B13 8DU
Halesowen: From Tuesday 12th June to Tuesday 17th July 2018, 7.30 - 8.30pm at The Earls High School (in the dance gym), Furnace Lane, Halesowen, B63 3SL
Price: £6.60 per class paid for as a whole term (£39.60).
96% of Mum-Dancers get noticeable results within one term!
Come to Mum-Dance and get YOU back! For more information and to book in for your term, visit their [Link http://www.mum-dance.co.uk/about.html website here].
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[INTRO Mum-Dance is the 1980's dance class for mum bodies!]